Our Story


Meet Madison Stoltz, baker and owner of Snak Rabbit. Madison is almost 15 years old and has been baking for nearly 6 years. In her spare time, you can find her in the kitchen baking, playing soccer, and spending time with friends or her bunny. Her rabbit, Snickers, was the inspiration behind the name, Snak Rabbit. He is a caramel brown, Himalayan-rex rabbit who is almost 2 years old. He loves to play (with our cat, Po, who is his best friend), cuddle, or explore in the backyard.  

In the summer you can find Madison enjoying lake life at Lake Pend’ Orielle, and in the winter, she is skiing at Schweitzer Mountain. She also plays competitive soccer year-round, and has a younger sister named Emma.

Madison puts her heart and soul into every baked good and hopes that when you taste the difference you decide to order again.